Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Oct 16, 2018
Interest rates are rising, what does that really mean to you?
So 6 months ago you decided to finally become a homeowner or to downsize or upsize your current home and you made the wise decision to...

Michel Bron
Oct 2, 2018
Is There a Shift Happening in the Los Angeles Real Estate Market?
Housing inventory is up year-over-year for the first time in three years in Los Angeles, Brentwood, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and the...

Michel Bron
Jan 10, 2018
Impacts of tax reform on the California housing market
Despite a new record high for the stock market, the first week of 2018 ended with mortgage rates unchanged from the close of 2017. However,

Michel Bron
Dec 6, 2016
Knowing the Current Real Estate Market: Pricing and timing…
Before you begin to consider pricing your home or choosing the right real estate agent, it is a good idea to become familiar with your...

Michel Bron
Jul 21, 2016
The Los Angeles real estate market is showing signs of a shift...
Take a look at the stats we’ve just ran on the MLS, numbers don’t lie! it looks like we are experiencing a shift in the Los Angeles Real...

Michel Bron
Mar 16, 2016

Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Feb 1, 2016
Property Tax are due today
Today is February the 1st and if you are a homeowner, your property tax are due to be paid today. Just a friendly reminder…

Michel Bron
Jan 31, 2016
Living near Wholefoods or Trader Joes, good for Real Estate value!
A new Zillow survey of residential real estate values shows living near a Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods increases the value of your...

Bron Realty Group - Michel Bron
Jan 30, 2016
Playboy Mansion for sale, asking price $200,000,000
You can live with Playboy patriarch Hugh Hefner for $200 million. The Playboy Mansion, situated on 5 acres in Los Angeles’ Holmby Hills,...